Usability Testing

Usability testing is a method of testing done from an end-user’s perception to conclude if the application is user friendly. It mostly evaluates the comfort with which the user interfaces can be used. It is a process used in user centered interface design to estimate a product or service by testing it on users.

Products which are usually advanced from user testing are websites or apps, consumer products, food, computer interfaces, documents and devices. The objective of such testing is to detect any usability issues, gather quantitative and quality data and create user’s satisfaction with the product or service. Usability testing has diverse methods and approaches for performing the tests. There are five main factors of usability testing on which it be inherent in and they are:


It regulates how long it takes to user to recognize the basic mission of the software.


It inspect the how fast can users act on the particular software.


It identify the number of times error have arose and prospective of those errors.


It checks the handiness and fulfilment of the end-user while occupied with the software.

Advantages of Usability Testing

Here is the list of numerous advantages and benefits that can be achieved with the support of usability testing

  • It creates client’s reliability and hope.
  • It minimize the development and revamp costs.
  • It is very cost-effective and delivers well excellence software.
  • It assists in better consideration of user’s necessities.
  • It helps in obtaining honest and productive comment of the system.
  • It identifies significant bugs and dodges of the application which will not be recognized by the programmer.
  • It detects the problem before the product is inaugurated, in this way helps in Increase Business’s reputation.
  • It can be simply bespoke to include other kid of testing like unit testing, functional testing, system integration testing etc.

Usability Testing Tools

Usability testing becomes so much stress-free and beneficial with the help of several usability testing tools available in the trend. There are:

  • Silverback
  • Morae
  • Userzoom
  • Camtasia
  • Crazy egg
  • Clicktale
  • Usabilia
  • Ghostrec
  • Optimizely
  • Five second test
  • Qualaroo
  • Feedback army
  • Userfeel
  • Trymyui
  • Concept feedback
  • Feng gui
  • Mechanical turk
  • Lopp11
  • Open hallway